What Conditions Can Vision Therapy Treat?

What Conditions Can Vision Therapy Treat?

What Conditions Can Vision Therapy Treat?

What Conditions Can Vision Therapy Treat?

It is not always that the doctor will correct vision problems using corrective lenses. Sometimes, they will do so using vision therapy or a combination with corrective lenses. Vision therapy is ideal when dealing with vision issues resulting from muscular dysfunction. These conditions include:



Amblyopia or lazy eye is a prevalent condition in children. It causes poor vision and results from poor connections between the brain and the eyes. These connections are crucial because they act like roads. They carry information from the eyes to certain brain parts, enabling you to see. 

When there is poor development of these connections before age eight, it leads to neurodevelopmental vision conditions. Your child will have blurry vision even if they wear corrective lenses. Hence, the need for vision therapy. It strengthens the eye-brain connections. The results of treatment improve with early diagnosis.



Also known as eye turn or crossed eyes, strabismus is a condition that affects eye alignment. While one eye focuses forward, the other looks in a different direction. As such, your eyes cannot provide your brain with consistent binocular visual information. It results in poor depth perception and double or blurry vision. 

Vision therapy strengthens your eye muscles while teaching them to work together. It reduces the eye turn and may also eliminate it. It restores function and straightens your eyes.


Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD)

Binocular vision dysfunction is another eye alignment issue. It can cause difficulties for children and adults since their eyes need to perform in precise coordination. When you look at an object, each eye picks the image and sends the information to the brain. The visual cortex tries to combine the images into one image. 

But in the case of BVD, the images may not fuse smoothly into one. It may cause visual discomfort or double vision. Vision therapy uses a treatment plan in combination with microprism lenses to treat this condition.


Focusing Problems

Vision is dynamic, meaning that you need to change your focus. One minute you will be looking at one object, and the next minute you need to focus on another. You may not require effort to focus when your eyes-focusing skills are good. But when you have problems, it may take time to see clearly.

Adjusting requires the help of the ciliary muscle. The muscle relaxes, constricts, or contracts when you look from one object to another. It changes the shape of the eye lens so you can focus. Vision therapy strengthens this muscle so you can focus and see clearly.


Eye Movement Dysfunction

The dysfunction makes it difficult for people to follow moving objects accurately. The skill is necessary for people who play sports. It is also useful when you are reading; hence, the issue will affect your academic and athletic performance. 

The doctor can use vision therapy to treat this by developing several corrective exercises. The exercises will work the six muscles around your eye responsible for movement. It helps them coordinate and strengthens them.

For more information on vision therapy, visit Zmyslinski Eye & Contact Lens Center at our office in Scottsdale or Tempe, Arizona. Call (480) 945-9971 or (480) 820-3813 to book an appointment today.

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Scottsdale, AZ 85251 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Zmyslinski+Eye+%26+Contact+Lens+Center/@33.504024,-111.92796,16z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xe88661a4d6087b74!8m2!3d33.5040236!4d-111.92796?hl=en 5000 South Arizona Mills Circle Suite #165
Tempe, AZ 85282 https://www.google.com/maps/place/Zmyslinski+Eye+%26+Contact+Lens+Center/@33.384634,-111.963497,16z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x7c49441f968830a8!8m2!3d33.3846339!4d-111.9634974?hl=en 4809459971 4808203813 https://www.lenscrafters.com/ScheduleExamView?catalogId=11651&clearExams=1&langId=-1&storeNumber=0552&storeId=10851 https://www.lenscrafters.com/ScheduleExamView?catalogId=11651&clearExams=1&langId=-1&storeNumber=0415&storeId=10851